Myna problems on Silhouette Island, Seychelles

With an area of just under 20 km2, Silhouette is the third largest of Seychelles’ granitic islands. In terms of biodiversity it is one of the least disturbed islands in the archipelago, its rugged and heavily forested mountains having spared it from significant human occupation. Its fauna and flora encompass a high degree of endemism … More Myna problems on Silhouette Island, Seychelles

Endemic Seychelles Kestrels entertain in Seychelles International Airport

During a recent visit to the International airport Christine and I heard loud bird calls coming from the roof space. My first thought was that the airport authorities had installed bird scaring devices. But the source of the calls soon became apparent when a Seychelles Kestrel flew out of one of the ledges in the … More Endemic Seychelles Kestrels entertain in Seychelles International Airport